Liposuction in Cases of Lipedema

Liposuction in case of lipedema can help alleviate the symptoms of this disease and rebalance body proportions. Removal of enlarged fat deposits with microcannulas allows for a particularly gentle procedure, which is important when treating lipedema. The goal of lipedema treatment is to improve the quality of life for those affected.

At a Glance

  • Surgery duration: 30 minutes to 3 hours (outpatient)
  • Anesthesia: Exclusively local anesthesia (tumescent anesthesia)
  • Sport: Microcannulas: After 1 week at the earliestRegular cannulas: After 4 weeks at the earliest
  • Normal social activities: After a few days
  • Preliminary examinations: Blood test, further examinations depending on the patient’s state of health
  • Compression garments: Microcannulas: 1 week
    Regular cannulas: 6 to 8 weeks
  • Incapacity to work: 1 to 2 days (according to area)
  • Check-ups: To be arranged on an individual basis

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“Lipedema” Is a Disease

The lipedema, also known in everyday language as the saddle-bag syndrome, is a disease which cannot be treated with sports or a diet. The majority of those affected are women. The disease is characterized by hugely enlarged fat cells, dysfunctional lymph drainage and above-average levels of pain when the pinch test is carried out.

During the course of the disease, the body’s proportions gradually shift: The first sign is often thick legs, beginning from the hips to the ankles. As the disease progresses, the legs take on a pillar-like shape. Those affected usually suffer from acute pain. The arms are also frequently affected.

The quality of life of those affected is severely restricted. They have to undergo regular lymph drainage, wear special compression garments and use certain skin care products, which give a certain amount of relief, but do not heal the disease.

Liposuction as an Alternative Treatment

If you have taken the decision to have liposuction performed after a detailed consultation and having had all necessary preliminary examinations, go ahead and schedule an appointment with us at a date of your choice.

Using liposuction, unwanted fat deposits which arose as a consequence of lipedema can be removed. In many cases, a balance can be restored between lymph production and drainage.

Especially the special liposuction procedure “liposculpture with microcannulas” makes it possible to shape your silhouette in a way particularly gentle on the tissue and to optimize your body proportions. Surgery takes place on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia. In order to provide the highest levels of safety for you, we never use general anesthesia or scalpels.

The Period after Liposuction

After surgery, you will only have to wear a bandage for one day and afterwards, compression garments for an average of 1 week, if liposuction was carried out with microcannulas. If the thicker regular cannulas were used for liposuction, you will need to wear compression garments for approximately 4 to 6 weeks.

Normally, after outpatient liposuction, you will be able to go back to work on the day after surgery. If you wear loose comfortable clothing over the compression garments, no one will notice that you had surgery.

You can take part in normal sporting activities approximately 1 to 2 weeks after liposuction with microcannulas, if the healing process is optimal. Based on experience, the healing process takes several weeks longer after liposuction with regular cannulas.

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